
Eleanor by Daphne Iking Has Nursing Mothers Pretty Well Covered

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Daphne Iking wears many different hats. Besides being a TV anchor, journalist, emcee and a mother of two kids, she has also ventured into making nursing covers. “El Chancho was inspired while breastfeeding my second daughter, Iman Daniella,” said Daphne on her blog. Unsatisfied with the nursing covers that were available at baby stores, she’s made her own covers with a twist of style.

Produced under the label of Eleanor by Daphne Iking, El Chancho is designed to provide a little extra privacy when breastfeeding without sacrificing the nursing mummy’s style and fashion. Featuring a variety of fun and colourful prints, these cotton covers have an adjustable neck strap, a rigid top so that mummy can see her little one, and a pocket to store breast pads, pacifiers, cloths or cream. Best of all, it can be folded up, buckled or buttoned into a little square pouch which fits easily into a diaper bag or purse.

Here are our top six picks from her current collection:

It’s just so hard not to fall in love with these covers! The fusion of prints and simplistic designs leave us curious to know what Daphne has planned for her next collection. In the mean time, mosey on over to Daphne’s personal blog to read her experiences as a mother.


The El Chancho covers are available here and are priced RM89 onwards. Email daphne@lebosi.com.my to place your order. Upon proof of payment, your El Chancho will be dispatched to your address the following day. Postage is free for Malaysian addresses.